Hello friends, Do you want to know more about the phylum Chordata? If so, then this article is for you only. In this article, you have been given step-by-step complete information about Phylum Chordata, so let’s start reading without wasting time.
What is Phylum Chordata?
Characteristics of Phylum Chordata
- Four basic features are found in these animals – Notochord, dorsal hollow nerve cord, paired pharyngeal slits, and a post-anal tail.
- They show bilateral symmetry, triploblastic, coelom, and organ system level organization.
- In these, the tail is found after the anus.
- Closed circulation is found in them.
What is the difference between non-chordates and chordates?
Chordates | Non-chordates |
Notochord is found in them. | They do not have a notochord. |
In these, the central nervous system is dorsal hollow and single. | The central nervous system is solid and double in the substratum. |
Gill slits are found in their pharynx. | Gill slits are not found. |
In these, the heart is in the ventral part. | In these, the heart is located in the dorsal part. (if it happens) |
In these, a tail is present after an anus. | They do not have a tail after the anus. |
Classification of Phylum Chordata
The phylum Chordata is divided into three subphyla.
- Urochordata
- Cephalochordata
- Vertebrata
Urochordata and Cephalochordata are the oldest chordates; hence, they are called Protochodata, and Vertebrata is called Euchordata or Modern Chordata.
All vertebrates are chordates, but all chordates are not vertebrates.
Subphylum Urochordata –
In this, the notochord is found only in the larva’s tail.
Examples – Ascidia, Salpa, and Doliolum.
Subphylum Cephalochordata –
In these, the notochord extends from head to tail until the end of life.
Example – Branchiostoma (Amphioxus).
Subphylum Vertebrata –Those animals in which the vertebral column or backbone is found are called vertebrate animals.
What is the vertebrate column?

Vertebrates have a structure of pole-like bones called the vertebral column, and from inside this vertebral column, a bundle of nerves comes from top to bottom called the spinal cord.
General Characteristics of subphylum Vertebrata
- In vertebrates, the notochord is found in the embryonic stage and converts into the vertebral column in the adult stage.
- All vertebrates are chordates, but all chordates are not vertebrates.
- In these, the muscular heart is found in the ventral part, which is 2, 3, and 4-chambered.
- The kidneys are found in these, which help with excretion.
- They have two pairs of paired appendages in the form of fins or legs.
Subphylum – Vertebrata is divided into two parts.
1- Agnathostomata –
Such vertebrate animals that do not have jaws in their mouth are called Agnathostomata, and due to the absence of such jaws, their mouth is round. Its class is Cyclostomata.
2- Gnathostomata –
Such vertebrate animals having jaws in their mouth are called Gnathostomata. These are of two types.
- Pieces
- Tetrapoda
Pisces – Such Gnathostomata animals in which feathers are found are placed in Pisces. Fishes have been kept in it. It has two classes.
Chondrichthyes – These are those animals whose endoskeleton is made of cartilage.
Osteichthyes – These are those animals whose endoskeleton is made of bones.
Tetrapoda – Such Gnathostomata animals in which feet or appendages (forelimbs and hindlimbs) are found. It is divided into four sections.
- Amphibia
- Reptilia
- Avis
- Mammalia
Class: Cyclostomata
General characteristics of Cyclostomata
- All animals of this class are external parasites of some fishes.
- They have 6-15 pairs of gill slits for respiration.
- In these, a sucker without jaws and a circular mouth are found.
- Scales and paired fins are not found in them.
- Their skull and spinal cord are made of cartilage.
- Their circulatory system is of a closed type.
- They are found in the sea but go to fresh water for reproduction, and after reproduction, they die and return to the sea after larval metamorphosis.
- Examples – Petromyzon (Lamprey) and Myxene (Hagfish).
Class: Chondrichthyes
General characteristics of Chondrichthyes
- These are marine animals, all fish whose endoskeleton is made of cartilage.
- Their mouth is situated on the ventral side.
- In these, the vertebral column is found throughout life.
- In these, the gill slits are not covered by the operculum. Cover means that the membrane above the gill opening is called a veil, which is not found in this.
- Their skin is firm, the scales are scaly, and their teeth are formed by converting scales similar to the scales or tridents, bent backward.
- Their jaws are very strong.
- Air sacs are not found in them, so they must swim continuously to avoid drowning.
- In these, the heart is made up of two chambers: one is the atrium, and the other is the ventricle.
- All these are aerothermal, and there is no ability to control the body temperature.
- They are unisexual, and claspers are found in the pelvic fins in males, which help in reproduction.
- Fertilization is internal in these, and all are in the gynoecium. This means they give birth to children.
- Examples – Scarliodon (dogfish), Prestis (sawfish), Carcarodon (great white shark), and Trigon (whale shark).
- Some animals of this class have electrical organs. For example, venomous bites are found in torpedoes and some. For instance – Trygon.
Class: Osteichthyes
General characteristics of Osteichthyes
- These animals are found in both salty and fresh water. These are also all fishes whose endoskeleton is bony.
- Their mouth is located at the front end.
- Four pairs of gill slits are found in them, which are covered with a veil.
- Their skin is covered with cycloid scales.
- Air sacs are found in these, which help with buoyancy (swimming).
- Their heart comprises two chambers, one of which is the atrium and the other is the ventricle.
- They are all Poikilothermic, meaning they cannot control body temperature.
- They are unisexual, and fertilization occurs externally. They mostly contain ovules.
- Examples – Marine – Exocitus (flying fish) Hippocampus (sea horse). Non-Saline – Labeo (Rohu), Qatla, Kalerius (Mangur), Aquarium Beta (Fighting Fish), Petropisum (Angus Fish).
Class: Amphibia
General characteristics of Amphibia
- These animals are found on both terrestrial and water.
- Their body is divided into a head and trunk, and two pairs of legs are found in them.
- Tails are present in some of these animals.
- Their skin is moist, and their eyes are eyelids.
- They have an eardrum instead of an ear.
- The cloaca chamber is found in the alimentary canal, urinary bladder, and genital tract.
- In these, respiration occurs through the gills, lungs, and skin.
- In these, the heart is of three brackets.
- They are heterotherms, and unisexual fertilization occurs externally.
- Examples– Bufo (toad), Rana tigrina (frog), Hyla (tree frog), (salamander), and Achthyophis (legless amphibian).
Class: Reptile
General characteristics of Reptile
- These animals move by sliding and crawling.
- They are both terrestrial and aquatic, on whose bodies dry scales are found, which are made of a protein called keratin. Because of this, they are very solid.
- The eardrum is also found in these.
- Two pairs of feet can be found in them.
- Their heart is in three chambers, but the crocodile has four chambers.
- They are cold-blooded; snakes and lizards shed their scales through dermal skin.
- They are unisexual, and fertilization is internal. All these are eggs.
- Examples – Chilon (Turtle), Testudo (Tortoise), Camelion (Tree Lizard), Kelotus (Garden Lizard) Alligator), Crocodylus (Alligator), Hemidactylus (House Lizard) Venomous snakes – Naja (Cobra), Vagarus (Kret), Viper.
Class: Aves
General characteristics of Aves
- The main characteristic of Aves is the presence of wings on the body and the ability to fly (except for some flightless birds like Ostrich).
- The beak is found in them.
- The forelimbs are modified to form wings.
- Hindlimbs usually have scales modified to help them walk, swim, and grasp tree branches.
- Their skin is dry, and no other skin gland is found except the oil gland in the tail.
- The long bones of the endoskeleton are hollow and contain air sacs.
- In their digestive tract, the supporting structures are crops and muscles.
- Their heart is made up of four chambers.
- They are homeotherms; that is, their body temperature remains constant.
- In these, respiration takes place through the lungs.
- Examples – Corvus (crow), Columba (pigeon), Citicula (parrot), Striio (OstrichOstrich), Pavo (peacock), Atenodytes (penguin), Pseudogypus (vulture).
Class: Mammalia
General characteristics of Mammalia
- Animals of this class are found in all types of environments, such as polar cold regions, deserts, forests, grasslands, and dark caves.
- The most important feature of mammals is the milk-producing gland (mammary gland) from which children get nutrition.
- Two pairs of legs are found in them, which are adapted for walking, running, and climbing trees.
- Hair is found on their skin.
- Some of these have adaptations to fly and live in water.
- External earlobes are found in these.
- Various types of teeth in the jaw are engaged in the socket of the gum.
- The heart consists of four chambers. There are two atriums and two ventricles.
- The muscular diaphragm opens the act of respiration.
- Sexes are separate, and fertilization is internal.
- Except for a few, all mammals give birth to young, and development is direct. Platypus and Echidna have eggs.
- Example – Viviparous – Macropus (kangaroo), Tauropus (flying fox), Camelus (camel), Macaca (monkey), Rats (rat), Canis (dog), Phasis (cat), Elephus.
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