Phylum Chordata | Classification, Class, Characteristics, Examples

phylum chordata

Hello friends, do you want to know completely about the phylum Chordata, if yes then this article is for you only. In this article, you have been given step-by-step complete information about Phylum Chordata, so let’s start reading without wasting time. What is Phylum Chordata? Characteristics of Phylum Chordata – What is the difference between

Phylum Chordata | Classification, Class, Characteristics, Examples Read More »

Kingdom Fungi | Characteristics, Classification, Reproduction!

Kingdom fungi

Hello friends, In Today’s article, we will read about the Kingdom fungi in detail and understand it in very simple language, so let’s start. What are fungi? Fungi are a multicellular organism that obtains their nutrition from rotten materials. There are both types of sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction in fungi. Kingdom Fungi are divided

Kingdom Fungi | Characteristics, Classification, Reproduction! Read More »

Why are mitochondria called the powerhouse of the cell? Full information.

mitochondria called the powerhouse of the cell

Hello friends, in this article we will know Why are mitochondria called the powerhouse of the cell? So let’s start without wasting time. Why are mitochondria called the powerhouse of the cell? Mitochondria are generally known as the “powerhouse” of the cell because these are the site for the oxidation of foodstuff in Presence of

Why are mitochondria called the powerhouse of the cell? Full information. Read More »

Peroxisomes | Definition, Functions, Types, Structure, Discovered!

peroxisomes definition

Hello friends, in this article we will know what is peroxisomes, and will also learn about it: Its Definition, Types, Structure, Discovered, functions, etc. So let’s start without wasting time. What are peroxisomes? The peroxisome is a cell organelle. Where is found peroxisome? Peroxisomes are found in all Eukaryotic cells. These were first observed by

Peroxisomes | Definition, Functions, Types, Structure, Discovered! Read More »

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