What is Biology | Definition, Branches, Father

biology, zoology, frog

Friends, do you want to start ‘Biology‘ from zero, if yes, then this article is for you only, because in this article we will study Biology from zero, so let’s start.

What is biology?

Definition of biology –

The branch of science in which living beings are studied is called biology.

Who is the father of biology?

Aristotle is the father of biology.

Who gave the word biology?

The term biology was given by Lamarck and Treviranus.

So friends, now we will know how many branches are there in biology, that is, how many types of biology are there.

How many branches of biology?

There are mainly two branches of biology.

Name of branches of biology –

  • Zoology
  • Botany

What is zoology?

The branch of biology in which animals are studied is called “Zoology“.

For example – frog, cow, cat, human, tiger, dog, etc

biology, zoology, frog

What is Botany?

The branch of biology in which all flora or all plants are studied is calledBotany.


Now we will know how many sub-branches of zoology are there.

Branches of Zoology –

Anatomy – When we do the internal study of an animal, then this type of study is called anatomy.

Like if we study the inside or inside parts of our body then this type of study is called Anatomy.

Anthropology – When we study the development of mankind then the such study is called Anthropology.

Like – Mankind has been developed from apes, chimpanzees, gorillas, etc. Many people know that human has been developed from monkeys but a human has not developed from monkeys. Humans have evolved from monkeys.

Angiology – When we study the circulatory system of animals, this type of study is called Angiology.

Erechnology – When we study spiders then this study is called Erechnology.

Psychobiology – When we study the attitude or mind of animals, then this type of study is called psychobiology.

Zodiology – When we study the distribution of animals on earth then the such study is called Zodiology. This means when we study animals that where it is living and in which environment it is living then such study is called Zodiology.

Paleontology – Under this, fossils of organisms are studied, that is, the study of fossils of organisms is called Paleontology.

What are fossils called?

The remains of organisms are called fossils and the study of these fossils is called Palaeontology.

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Phylogeny – When the history of the evolution of any species is studied then it is called phylogeny. This means we do the ancestors of that caste.

Trophology – The study of nutritional substances is called Trophology (nutritional science). This means the things we eat are called nutrition and where is the study of these nutritional substances known as Trophology.

Protozoology – The study of protozoa is called protozoology.

Radiology – The study of radiation effects on living organisms is called radiology.

Sarchology – The study of the muscles (flesh muscles) of organisms is called Sarchology.

Syndesmology – The study of skeletal joints and ligaments of organisms is called Syndesmology. The study of the joints of the bones of living beings and the ligaments found there is called Syndesmology.

Serology – When blood serum is studied, that study is called Serology.

What is serum?

When there is a cut anywhere in our body, blood starts coming out from there and after a while, you will see that the blood clots, after that the bleeding stops, then some clotting factors are found in the blood and When these factors are removed from the blood, the remaining fluid is called serum. The study of this serum is called serology.

Taxonomy – The study of naming and classification of any species is called taxonomy or taxonomic science. For example – suppose we found a new organism and we named and classified it, then this whole study is called taxonomy or taxonomic science.

Toxicology – The study of toxic substances for animals and the effect these toxic substances have on their body is called toxicology.

Enzymology – When we study enzymes (catalysts) it is called Enzymology.

Entomology – The study of all insect moths is called entomology.

Genetics – The study of genetic characteristics of organisms and their heredity is called genetics.

Histology – When we study the tissues of organs with the help of a microscope, it is called histology.

What is a tissue?

A group of cells is called a tissue.

Hematology – When blood and blood-related diseases are studied then it is called Haematology.

Helminthology – When parasitic worms are studied it is called Helminthology.

Herpetology – When amphibians and reptiles are studied then it is called Herpetology.

Ichthyology – The study of fishes is called Ichthyology.

Immunology – The study of the immune system is called immunology.

Karyology – The study of the nucleus found inside the cell is called Karyology.

Morphology – The study of the external shape and structure of animals is called Morphology.

Myology – The study of muscles is called Myology and muscles are also studied in Sarchology.

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Mammalogy – The study of all mammals is called Mammalogy.

What are mammals?

The animals in which mammary glands are found are called mammals.

Melecology – The study of Mollusca and their shells is called Melecology.

Molecular biology – When we study any chemical at the molecular level, it is called Molecular biology.

Microbiology – When we study micro-organisms then it is known as microbiology.

Neurobiology – Many systems are found inside our body which together form the nervous system, the study of these nervous systems is called neurology.

Osteology – Bones are found in our body. The study of these bones is called osteology.

Odontology – You have seen that teeth are found in our other animals, the study of these same teeth is called Odontology.

Organology – The study of the organs of all animals is called Organology.

Ornithology – The study of all types of birds is called Ornithology.

Ophiology/Serpentology – The study of snakes is called Ophiology/serpentology.

Physiology – The study of the functions of different body parts is called Physiology.

Parasitology – The study of parasitic organisms is called Parasitology.

Pathology – When we study the symptoms and causes of diseases, it is called pathology. Meaning let’s say we got a disease, what caused this disease and what are its symptoms? The study of all these is called pathology.

Eugenics – The study of the development of mankind by the principles of genetics is called eugenics.

Cytology – The study of cells is called cytology. Or when we study cells then this study is called cytology or cell science.

Craniology – The study of the skull is called Craniology. What is Karoti Our brain is inside a bone structure, this structure is called Karoti, and its study is called Craniology.

Endocrinology – The study of endocrine glands is called endocrinology.

Embryology – When an embryo develops from a zygote, many stages come during this development, the study of these stages is called Embryology.

Branches of Botany –

Agrostology – When we study and follow grasses then it is called Agrostology.

Histology – The study of tissues is called histology, the study of plant tissues is called plant histology, and the study of animal tissues is called animal histology.

Algology – The study of algae is called Algology.

Anthology – The study of flowers or flowers is called Anthology.

Taxonomy – When we do the naming and classification of plants then this kind of study is called Taxonomy. Or the study of plant nomenclature and classification is called Taxonomy.

Spermology – When we study the seeds then this type of study is called Spermology. For example – peas, wheat, rice, gram, etc.

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Spacebiology – When we study plants located in space, this type of study is called Spacebiology, which is when a person or a scientist takes a plant from the earth to space by a spacecraft and there the plant grows in that environment. If it studies then it is called Space Biology.

Phytogeography – When we study the distribution of plants and their causes then this study is called Phytogeography. That is, which plant is happening where and where it is not happening and why it is happening at this place and not happening at that place, is the reason for this kind of study is called Phytogeography.

Pteridology – The study of Pteridophytes is called pteridology.

Bacteriology – The study of bacteria is called bacteriology.

Bryology – The study of Bryophyta is called Bryology.

Cytology – Cells are studied under this.

Dendrology – The study of trees and shrubs is called Dendrology.

Dendrochronology – Under this, the age of trees is studied.

Ecology – When we study the relationship of plants with the environment, it is called ecology.

Floriculture – When we grow and study ornamental flowers or flowers, then this type of study is called Floriculture.

Forestry – When we study forests or forests, it is called forestry.

Gerontology – When we study the changes in living beings with age, it is called Gerontology.

Lichenology – The study of lichen is called Lichenology.

Limnology – The study of lakes and freshwater plants is called Limnology.

Morphology – The study of the external structures of plants is called Morphology.

Mycology – The study of fungi is called Mycology.

Mycoplasmology – The study of mycoplasma is called mycoplasmology.

Paleobotany – Under this the fossils of plants are studied

Palenology – The study of pollen grains is called Palenology.

Pathology – The study of plant diseases and their treatment is called Pathology.

Pedology – The study of soil or soil is called Pedology.

Phycology – The study of algae is called phycology, it is also called algology.

Pharmacology – The study of plants from which drugs are obtained is called Pharmacology.

Pomology – The study of fruits is called Pomology.

Virology – The study of viruses is called Virology.

Horticulture – When we grow plants for fruits and vegetables and study them together, it is called Horticulture.

Silviculture – The study of trees and their products in the forest is called Silviculture.

Tissue culture – When we take the tissue of a plant and study its culture, it is called tissue culture. In simple language, if you take the tissue of a plant and grow it into a tree, then it is called tissue culture.

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